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Identify 21 words starting with the letter “E”! So, enjoy learning with colorful images and easily increase your vocabulary. Also, below you can get a free PDF for creating a cute ‘E’ Words book.

Easy ‘E’ Words for Kids: (page No. 01)

Easy ‘E’ Words with Simple Examples for Kids

Here is the first page with e-words. Then, see if you recognize the pictures here. Also, there are three wild animals on this page. So, remember that the names of these animals start with the letter E.

For example, e is for “eagle”, e is for “elephant”, and e is for “elk”.

Easy ‘E’ Words for Kids: (page No. 02)

Well, here is the second page with e-words. Moreover, this page has 3 parts of our body. It is the eye, the ear, and the elbow. So, add these three words starting with the letter E to your vocabulary.

For example, e is for “eye”, e is for “ear”, and e is for “elbow”.

Easy ‘E’ Words for Kids: (page No. 03)

Easy ‘E’ Words with Simple Examples for Kids

Third, let’s look at the e-words that appear on this page. The images here are familiar images that children have seen before. Therefore, these e-words are not new to children.

For example, e is for “earth”, e is for “evening”, and e is for “eight”.

Easy ‘E’ Words for Kids: (page No. 04)

Easy ‘E’ Words with Simple Examples for Kids

When learning words that start with the letter E, children will come across the words egg and eggplant. Also, the adjective empty is a word that children learn in school. So children will learn these three e-words easily.

For example, e is for “egg”, e is for “eggplant”, and e is for “empty”.

Easy ‘E’ Words for Kids: (page No. 05)

Easy ‘E’ Words with Simple Examples for Kids

This is page five of E-Words for Kids. It is special that every word that comes here is familiar to young children.

For example, e is for “earrings”, e is for “emotions”, and e is for “eraser”.

Easy ‘E’ Words for Kids: (page No. 06)

Easy ‘E’ Words with Simple Examples for Kids

Some words here are not very familiar to children. But those words are new to children. So this is a good opportunity to learn new words. However, all these words begin with the letter E.

For example, e is for “earrings”, e is for “emotions”, and e is for “eraser”.

Easy ‘E’ Words for Kids: (page No. 07)

Easy ‘E’ Words with Simple Examples for Kids

Children can learn three more e-words. The pictures here will remind children of the festive season. Because the pictures here are related to the festive season.

For example, e is for “envelope”, e is for “easter”, and e is for “elf”.

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Today’s lesson is about identifying words that start with the letter E. The letter E is the 5th letter of the English alphabet. It is usually pronounced as /ˈiː/. The letter E commonly has the sounds /e/, /e:/, /ɪ/, /ə/, and /eə/.

In this learning page, you are given 7 pages with pictures and words starting with the letter E. Each page contains 3 images that start with the letter E. We have provided the corresponding word for each image next to it. Accordingly, you will have the opportunity to learn and identify 21 words starting with the letter E in this lesson.

Language skills you can develop in your children with these lesson pages:
  • Vocabulary Development – Children get the chance to learn new words that they don’t know. Because the words are accompanied by pictures, it is easy for children to remember them.
  • Development of Pre-Reading Skills – Children can acquire the habit of reading by reading single words. They can also be encouraged to read words by matching letters with the pages.
  • Identifying Phonics Sounds – In the words given here, the letter E sounds differently in different words. Children will recognize these differences on these pages. For example, in the pronunciation of the word “eagle,” the letter E is pronounced as /iː/, and in the word “elephant,” the letter E is pronounced as /e/.
  • Understanding the Letters of the Alphabet – On this page, we will focus on the letter E. Both the lowercase and uppercase forms of the letter E are shown on these pages. Children will also see the letter E used in various words that start with it.
  • Development of Visual Discrimination Skills – Children get the opportunity to identify differences between letters and images in terms of shapes and patterns. This activity helps children distinguish between similar and dissimilar images and letters.

The words given to you above include nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

  • Nouns: Eagle, Elephant, Elk, Eye, Ear, Elbow, Eight, Earth, Evening, Eraser, Eggs, Eggplant, Emotions, Elevator, Engaging, Envelope, Elf, and Easter
  • Verbs: Exercise
  • Adjectives: Empty

Encourage the children to find more words starting with the letter E, like this. Also, you can get a list of words related to other letters of the alphabet on other learning pages.