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The story of Noah’s ark is a popular story found in the Bible. This story helps children learn about God’s protection and promises. Also, this story tells us that children should trust God, have faith and obey. And the moral we get from this story is that people who live well will always receive God’s blessings.

Noah’s Ark

A long time ago, people living in this world did not believe in God. They did not obey God. These people behaved badly and lived without kindness. There was a world full of such people then. God was very sad about it.

But among such bad people, there was one good man. His name is Noah. Noah was a man who respected, loved and always obeyed God. God intended to cleanse the world that was polluted by bad people. Accordingly, God planned to create a big flood. But God wanted to save righteous Noah and his family.

God instructed Noah to prepare an ark to survive the flood. He told Noah to build the boat from gopher wood and to make it waterproof by covering both the inside and outside with pitch (a type of tar). Noah received instructions from God about the length of the ark and how to arrange all its other elements. It had to be a large ship. Two of each type of animal, male and female, were to be taken aboard along with Noah’s family. God also instructed Noah to gather enough food for everyone.

Noah, who obeyed God, gathered his children and started building the ark. Noah acted according to God’s instructions. After the ark was built, the animals also boarded the ark with their families. After the ark was built, the animals also boarded the ark with their families. Among these animals were big animals like elephants, tigers, bears and small animals like birds, insects and snakes. After everyone entered the ark, God closed the door. Then the heavy rain started.

This rain lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. Everything was covered with water. But Noah and the team were safe in the ship. After many days the rain stopped. The water slowly receded. Noah wanted to check if the water had receded and dry land had appeared. To do this, he sent out a dove. The dove returned with an olive branch. This showed Noah that the water had gone down and land had re-emerged.

Noah returned to the land and thanked God for protecting them. God made a promise to Noah and all people that He would never flood the earth again. As a sign of that promise, God put a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

What Other Few Bible Stories for Kids Should Children Learn?

David and Goliath
Theme: Bravery and faith.
Summary: David is a young shepherd. He is blessed by God the giant defeats Goliath with a stone and a slingshot. This story shows that anything is possible with faith and trust in God.

The Good Samaritan
Theme: Kindness and helping others.
Summary: The main character of this story is a Samaritan. He helps an injured man regardless of differences. This Bible story tells children the importance of showing kindness and love to everyone.

The Prodigal Son
Theme: Forgiveness and redemption.
Summary: This is the story of a son who disobeys his parents. He lives by ruining his parent’s things. But in the end, the father works to forgive him and redeem him from his mistakes.

Jonah and the Whale
Theme: Obedience and second chances.
Summary: This story is about a man named Jonah. Jonah disobeyed God. One day he is swallowed by a whale. After that, Jonah learns to obey God’s commands. This gives Jonah a second chance to right his wrongs.

Zacchaeus the Tax Collector
Theme: Acceptance and transformation.
Summary: This story is about a tax collector named Zacchaeus. Jesus saw him and taught him the right way. There God made him understand that everyone should be treated with love and kindness and change for the better.

We’ll continue sharing more great Bible stories like this with you in the future.

Teaching Bible stories to kids is important for several reasons:

1. Moral and Ethical Lessons

Bible stories teach children the morals needed to understand right and wrong. You can teach the morals of kindness, love, compassion, honesty, humility, and forgiveness to children through these stories.

2. Character Development

Children meet different characters in these stories. And These characters face various challenges. And make decisions on their own. Children also understand the things needed to develop their character by associating those stories.

3. Encouraging Imagination and Creativity

By reading these stories, the children imagine the events in their minds. It develops imagination skills in children. Children’s creativity can also be developed through things such as drawing and acting with those stories.

4. Building Empathy

Children are sensitive to the events that the various characters face in the stories. Children try to understand the experiences the characters face from their point of view. These facts help build empathy for others in children.

5. Critical Thinking Skills

Children find many things to understand in these stories. Children analyze the characters in the story, understand the problems the characters face, think of solutions to them, interpret the consequences, and give different interpretations to the stories. These increase children’s Critical Thinking Skills.

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