Introduce your children to the charming members of this farm animal family (Mum, Dad, Baby) with this collection of cards.
The Cat Family:
Father Cat: Cat
Mother Cat: Queen
Baby Cat: Kitten
The Sheep Family:
Father Sheep: Ram
Mother Sheep: Ewe
Baby Sheep: Lamb
The Dog Family:
Father Dog: Dog
Mother Dog: Bitch
Baby Dog: Puppy
The rooster Family:
Father Cat: Rooster
Mother Cat: Hen
Baby Cat: Chick
The Duck Family:
Father Duck: Duck
Mother Duck: Drake
Baby Duck: Duckling
The Bull Family:
Father Bull: Bull
Mother Bull: Cow
Baby Bull: Calf
The Horse Family:
Father Horse: Stallion
Mother Horse: Mare
Baby Horse: Foal
The Goat Family:
Father Goat: Billy
Mother Goat: Nanny
Baby Goat: Kid
The Goose Family:
Father Goose: Gander
Mother Goose: Goose
Baby Goose: Gosling
The Pig Family:
Father Pig: Boar
Mother Pig: Sow
Baby Pig: Piglet
The Turkey Family:
Father Turkey: Gobbler
Mother Turkey: Hen
Baby Turkey: Poult
The Rabbit Family:
Father Rabbit: Buck
Mother Rabbit: Doe
Baby Rabbit: Bunny
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Explore More Animal Flashcards for Kids!
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Introducing children to the environment around us is the first step in directing children to future science. Animals are a wonderful creation of the environment. Children are always curious about the animal world. This card file will be very useful for you to satisfy their curiosity.
These cards show kids different farm animals. In school, they learn about these animals. Some farm animals include cows, horses, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, goats, turkeys, donkeys, geese, rabbits, dogs, cats, llamas, alpacas, guinea pigs, and pigeons. Learning about these animals helps kids understand more about them.
These animals are essential on the farm because of the benefits they provide. For example, hens give us eggs, cows give us milk, sheep give us wool, dogs help keep the farm and other animals safe, and so on. There is so much more to teach your kids about farm animals. Another one comes from this learning page. It is an opportunity to identify the common names of the family members of 10 animals among the animals on the farm.
You can use different activities to introduce children to farm animals.
- Taking the kids on a field trip provides a practical experience of a farm. This gives children the opportunity to see farm animals up close. Visiting a farm can be a very rewarding activity.
- Show children the visions of a farm through videos. That way you can give the children an experience close to the experience of a field trip.
- Showing a farm by displaying images like cards. – This allows children to recognize the shapes of animals and learn various information about animals as above given flashcards.
- After the field trip, watching videos and looking at picture cards gives the children the opportunity to recall what they saw. Under this approach, you can encourage children to draw pictures based on the visions they have seen. Additionally, children can be allowed to imitate the movements, sounds, and activities of the animals. This is very important to embed the visions they saw in the minds of the children.
- Providing assignments ensures that children understand what they have learned and further develops their knowledge. These assignments can be given orally or in written form.
This series of cards will help your children navigate the wonderful world of animals. 😊